Monday, December 14, 2009

Growing SO Fast!!

Anastasia just had her 4 month well visit today! She will be 5 months on Christmas Eve... so it was actually her "Almost 5 month well visit." :)

Anyway, the stats are in! 14 lbs 11oz (60%) and 24 in (48%). She has decreased in the percentile... but she is healthy! We get to start rice cereal on Christmas Eve so we'll see how she does!

In the last 6 weeks she has become mobile!! She is rolling easily from her back to her front and not so easily (but she gets it done) from front to back. :) She is also scooting on her belly all over! Instead of a normal floormat/playgym thingy... she has a tunnel. Its hilarious to come into the room to find her having completely rolled the tunnel upside down!!

She is starting to sit up on her own!! She would probably be able to do it if it wasn't for the fact that anything around her distracts her and she reaches for it causing her to fall over! :) She is also constantly "talking." Once she actually starts saying words and sentences she is never gonna be quiet!! Just like her Mommy!

Tim is doing very well in his classes!! He is second in his class only to the native speaker, and on the last tests he actually scored higher than him!

I'm doing fine. Nothing has really changed since the last time! :)

Hope you all have a great Christmas!

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