Yesterday we went to doctor's office to see if there was a reason behind the "adorable" high-pitched and just about inconsolable screaming/wailing she had begun a few days ago. This crying shattered into our lives while celebrating Jonny's birthday (sorry Jonny) by playing games. Thankfully it was AFTER dinner out!! Anyway... we were thinking early teething... ear infection... some other sort of infection... anything! After seeing the doctor, it is just her reflux getting worse accompanied by the fact that she was just done with being out of town. She wanted to be home in her familiar world and wanted to let us all know! However, if it continues until her next appt (Oct 30th) then her reflux is getting to the point of needing meds. :( Please pray that this is not the case. I'd rather not give her regular meds at such a young age!! So, we are home again... and back to the "reflux fighting regimen"!! So far so good! :)
On another note: she is rolling now from her back to her side regularly! She prefers to sleep on her side and will put herself in this position and stay that way all night! She is also starting to reach for things! A couple days ago, we set up her jumperoo because she likes to bounce and she loves it!! She is still too short, but we stacked some books on the floor and she is happy! :)
OH! The specs! She is now 12lbs 6oz and 22.5 in!! She will be 3 months next week. Growing fast!!
Tim is doing well in his classes! He is one of the top in his class besides the native speaker that is there to learn to read and write it. Next week, because he did well on his test yesterday he only has to go to study hall 2 times a week!! YAY!!
I'm doing good... adjusting to life here. I've met some other women and we try to hang out twice a week. Anyway... Anastasia has begun crying so I have to go!
1 comment:
Hey so how did the Dr's appt go yesterday? Hopefully the reflux is under control?
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