Sunday, April 25, 2010

Developing Donner

Donner has started training classes!!

We are 3 weeks into the class and she has shown... well... no improvement when it comes to her separation anxiety.  But she is learning the basic commands rather well! All except for "Down." She only "downs" while on her bed or on the bathroom rug. No other rug seems to suit her fancy. Its weird. Oh well. We have 5 more weeks for her to be able to "down" on the concrete of the training classroom so that we can get our diploma!! :)

She already new the "Sit" command. However, I was using a different hand signal, so she had to learn the new one.  We have also learned "Stay." She isn't GREAT at it... but it has a lot to do with the separation anxiety. The further away I get the more she visibly shakes.  :(  We are working on "Leave It." But... I'm not sure how much more I'm gonna work with her on that.  We were told to work on it when the dog gets to something they aren't allowed to have. Well, Donner doesn't get into much (I think she is too afraid to). She does, though, LOVE Ana's unpainted blocks (the painted ones she shows no interest in). One day, I caught her with one in her mouth. As soon as she made eye-contact with me it was on the ground, but I still took the opportunity. I showed it to her, she took the bait and thought I was gonna give it to her. I put it on the floor, waved my hand over it, and said, "Leave it." Let's just say she is now afraid of the blocks! I tried the next day. I just showed her a block and she ran away!  Then I tried with a piece of cheese. I put it on the floor, she ran over, again... waved my hand over it and said, "Leave it." Done. Now she is afraid of cheese. Poor thing. Oh well... at least she gets the concept. :)

Her newest tricks are "Wait" (creating an invisible barrier... say, at the kitchen... that they aren't allowed to cross until invited), and "Take It" (being shown a treat but not allowed to take it unless told). Both she is learning rather quickly. We are also working on perfecting our walking on a leash... but she was decent before... just working the kinks out. :)

Oh... and all commands seem to go out the window when Tim is in the room, but he at least can get her to walk for him on the leash... after a short bout of bucking in the beginning. But... hey!... PROGRESS!!!

On another note: Anastasia is 9 months!! Almost walking! She is LOVED in her Sunday school class! We are told every week that she is a joy to have because she is not as needy as others and plays well (go figure! At home she is VERY needy and does NOT share with others!!).

Tim is still doing well in his class! His GPA is second only to the native speaker, but he is catching him! :)

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I have a phone interview with someone from the Driver Safety Division of the DMV! Here's hoping!! I'm starting to itch to drive again!! Its been 17 months!!

ALSO!! EXCITING!! TIM AND I ARE EXPECTING AGAIN! We (I really mean "I") are 5.5 weeks along, with a tentative due date of December 22, 2010! Of course, that could change after an ultrasound, so we'll see!

Anyway, its getting late and I have to get up early in the morning!! For good reason... I'll post again soon!