Wednesday, January 27, 2010

6 month check up!!

Ana had her 6 month check up today.

The stats:
15lbs 14oz (50%)
25in (30%)

She is doing really well! The doctor was impressed by her mobility and body control! As she was trying to listen to Ana's chest with the stethoscope, Ana decided she wanted it... so she started grabbing at it. I came and held her arms down and so Ana started grabbing at the stethoscope with her feet!! The little bugger! :)

Her shots were a little more traumatic this time. She sobbed... not just cried a mad, scared cry... but sobbed an "I'm hurting" cry and got the eeby-jeebies pretty bad. :( Then once in the car, two of Tim's friends sat in the back with her for the ride home. One look at them and the cry started all over again. It happened again, after shots, the only person she wants is Mommy... (she "blames" Daddy for the pain and refuses to go to him). Oh well... :)

Pray for Tim... he is being put up for Soldier of the Month or Soldier of the Quarter... we aren't sure which... its within the next two weeks... so I'll let you know!

Friday, January 22, 2010

She's asleep!

:) It never ceases to amaze me how good God is! The last few days have brought a pretty big storm to our area. The winds have felled trees. Our pine trees to the back of our home, who have just produced pine cones, have not been able to hold onto them against the winds and they have become little flying weapons pelting our windows. Our power has been out twice: once in the daytime and once in early morning. I woke up to this one thinking that I was completely under the blankets - I wasn't. I had Tim bring me Anastasia so that if she woke up I wouldn't have to fumble around in the dark to get her. When he went in to her, she was wide awake but too scared to cry! :( Poor thing! She didn't fall back asleep until the lights came back on. But in all of this, as we drive down our main road leading out of our community, we see the huge waves crashing into the coast. Usually these waves are pretty small (by California wave standards), but right now they are big, and I see that as a testament to God's power.

Anastasia is also a testament to God's goodness. She is almost 6 months old (2 days shy) and a bundle of energy! She sleeps great at night (minus the waking to eat) but during the day she only cat naps. Therefore, I really relish the little breaks I get when she sleeps. For those of you who work a regular 9-5 job, I miss the lunch breaks and 15 minute breaks. Now, as a mom, I get three 15 minute breaks in a day... and that is all day! But, its ALL worth it!! :)

Two nights ago, Tim and I tried to have a date night in our own home. I planned dinner and nap time to land at the same time, and I had planned to try a new dessert to eat during Tim's shows that were on. It was almost as if Ana saw what I was doing, and knew that we were planning something that she couldn't be apart of. And she got us back!! She refused to sleep during her nap, instead screaming from her bed and giggling when we went in to her, so she was able to "participate" at dinner time. THEN! After she went down at her normal bedtime, she decided it was time to get up JUST as I finished making dessert. So we ate dessert while going in to soothe her every 10 minutes or so, and then I ended up lying with her in our bed until she FINALLY fell asleep at midnight. So much for our "at home date night!"

Tim and I, for the first time in our marriage, have decided to make a New Year's Resolution. I'll share it so that we have accountability! :) We have decided to live more simply and healthily. By this, we mean, that we will eat more healthily, move more healthily, and be more spiritually healthy. Also, we plan to live more simply. I'm de-cluttering our home and we are trying to not buy buy buy. We don't think that this is too hard to keep going throughout the year. Ask us how we are doing on this! :) I'm also wanting to blog more.

Coming up next week we have Ana's 6 month doc appt. Not sure if she'll be getting shots since she has been sick, but we'll see how she is feeling! Also, on February 6th she will be dedicated at Bridgeway Christian Church in Rocklin!

I hope you are all having a great New Year so far! Hope to hear from you soon!