Thursday, June 11, 2009

State of Upheaval

Well... we are in a state of change in our little family!

Tim is currently just about done with week 2 of basic training for the Army. He is doing well! Just the other day he went into the gas chamber. "All I have to say is that it sucked!" (per a letter from him). He did say that the good news is that he was a little congested before going in and is now cleared up! :) As of right now he is set to graduate on July 30th!

Monica is now almost 35 weeks pregnant. She is currently on bedrest and hoping to get off sometime BEFORE the baby is born but she knows the chances are slim.

Baby Eb is doing well! It has a healthy heart rate and moves A LOT!! We still don't know what we are having... but Tim is thinking girl and Monica goes back and forth all the time! However, the general consensus of friends right now is that we are having a little girl. We'll find out soon!! :)