A talking to T |
T smiling and talking to Grandma |
Both kiddos are growing by leaps and bounds!
Titus had his 2 month check up. 12lbs 1.5oz and 22in! In 3 weeks he gained TWO POUNDS!!! You know what means?! It means his new medication dosage is working beautifully!! :) It also means my little guy is happier! Which means Mommy is happier too! He had 3 shots and one oral vaccine and did very well with them! Was he thrilled? Not at all... but no rise in temperature or anything like that.
Since we are moving to Georgia... in 5 weeks!... we decided to go ahead with the Flu shot for Anastasia. Normally, we do not do this vaccine, but planes are big germ infestations! Also, I wanted to get her weighed to get an idea of how she is doing before we move. The weigh-in: 21lbs 9oz. She was 20lbs 14oz one month ago!!! So in the last 6 months she has gained 4 pounds! Crazy!! And its about time! :) Cuz from 6 months old to 12 months old, she gained about a pound.
So... both kids are GROWING!!
She LOVES accessories! |
Titus is smiling lots now. As long as Grandma is in the room. He is a complete "Grandma's Boy"... he prefers her to me half the time! I'm really thinking she needs to move to Georgia with us... now I just need to figure out the logistics...
Ana's cognitive development amazes me! She has started counting. Only to 3.... but still! She has started mimicking what we say, which means that now we have to watch what we say. She has also figured out that when Mommy is feeding Titus (Ty-Ty... as she has named him) it means that Mommy can't get to Missy fast enough and that she can get into all sorts of trouble!! Like, climbing onto the arm of the couch, climbing up onto the chair and pulling DVDs off the shelf, getting into the pantry and helping herself to chips and pretzels, unrolling the toilet paper roll in the bathroom... and if the door is shut, no biggie, she'll just open it! She also throws all the dirty diapers away and will put the unused diapers in a "Ty-Ty stack" and an "Ana stack" in the diaper spot under the coffee table. And when I ask her to clean up her toys, she will put them away and then take out her toy vacuum and vacuum the living room!
Look at that face!! |
A encouraging T during "Tummy Time" |
Brother Sister Cuddle Time |
Titus absolutely ADORES his sister! When she comes to him, he seeks her out and smiles at her. He is loving (and her too) the "Brother Sister Cuddle Time" we have started on her couch watching a movie. This is something I'm definitely going to keep doing as they grow older. Their bond is huge already and I'm so glad for that! Its the reason I wanted kids so close in age to begin with! I think back to all the fun Diana and I had growing up and I wanted my kids to experience that as well! And, from the looks of it, they are going to and it makes my heart swell!
She is giving his his paci |
They L-O-V-E each other! |